
XML filters.


Class Summary
Filter01 Applies fixers.
Filter02 Adds "punc" elements.
Filter03 Pretty-prints.
Filter04 Trims white space.
Filter05 Changes the "div" element "tag" attribute to "id".
Filter06 Rationalizes line and stanza numbering.
Filter07 Rationalizes titles.
Filter08 Adds the WordHoardText, wordHoardHeader and wordHoardTaggedLine elements.
Filter09 Adds prosodic tags.
Filter10 Adds speaker gender and mortality tags.
Filter11 Creates a Greek work XML file.
Filter12 Adjusts divs.

Package Description

XML filters.

These filters were used to perform a sequence of transformations on the original raw data (in the form of TEI XML files and Microsoft Access databases) to produce the current all-XML ingest architecture.

These tools are no longer used in the build process. We retain them as part of the active source code because similar tools may be useful in the future when adding new texts to the system.