Class CalculateCounts

  extended by

public class CalculateCounts
extends java.lang.Object

Calculates counts.

This tool computes and creates all of the count objects and makes them persistent in the MySQL database. It must be run after all of the other build programs have constructed and populated the rest of the object model.


CalculateCounts dbname username passwrod wordDataPath wordPartDataPath speechDataPath

dbname = Database name.

username = MySQL username.

password = MySQL password.

wordDataPath = Path to word data file containing the following tab-delimited data:

  1. Corpus id.
  2. Work id.
  3. Work part id.
  4. Word id.
  5. Spelling string, case-sensitive.
  6. Spelling string, case-insensitive.
  7. Character set (0 = Latin, 1 = Greek).
  8. Prosodic attribute.
  9. Metrical shape attribute, or \N if none.
  10. Speech id, or \N if none.

wordPartDataPath = Path to word part data file containing the following tab-delimited data:

  1. Corpus id.
  2. Work id.
  3. Work part id.
  4. Word id.
  5. Part index.
  6. LemPos id.

speechDataPath = Path to speech data file containing the following tab-delimited data:

  1. Corpus id.
  2. Work id.
  3. Word part id.
  4. Speech id.
  5. Gender attribute.
  6. Mortality attribute.

The three input data files must be sorted in increasing lexical or numeric order.

The file "" specifies the parameters for our object model MySQL database.

Method Summary
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          The main program.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
The main program.

args - Command line arguments.