
The WordHoard widgets package provides Swing widgets for use in WordHoard.


Class Summary
ExtendedCheckBoxTreeNodeRenderer Renderer for tree nodes containing checkboxed WordCounter objects.
LogLikelihoodTableCellRenderer A table cell renderer which formats cell entries using PrintFFormat.
PlusOrMinusTableCellRenderer A table cell renderer which displays a plus or minus for a number.
TabbedPaneData Holds information about a tabbed pane.
UserDataObjectListRenderer Renderer for list containing UserDataObject objects.
WordCounterListRenderer Renderer for tree combo boxes containing WordCounter objects.
WordCounterTreeCombo A tree combo with mixed text and WordCounter objects as entries.
WordHoardCalcSimpleEditor Simple text editor for WordHoardCalc.
WordHoardSortedTableModel WordHoard sorted table model.
WordTableCellRenderer A table cell renderer for words which may contain word class tags.
WordTransferHandler TransferHandler for drag and drop of Word information.

Package Description

The WordHoard widgets package provides Swing widgets for use in WordHoard.