Interface EditBatch

All Known Implementing Classes:
Notepad, WordHoardCalcSimpleEditor

public interface EditBatch

EditBatch -- interface for object implementing batch edit undo.

This interface defines methods for starting and ending a batch sequence of edits. These methods should be implemented by objects providing an undo facility in which a batch of edits is to be treated as a single edit for purposes of undo or redo.

For example, a text editor may use EditBatch to ensure a single undo undoes all of the replacements performed by a single "replace all."

Method Summary
 void endEditBatch()
          End batched edit sequence.
 void startEditBatch()
          Start batched edit sequence to be considered a single undo edit.

Method Detail


void startEditBatch()
Start batched edit sequence to be considered a single undo edit.


void endEditBatch()
End batched edit sequence.