
Methods and interfaces for finding roots (zeroes) of functions.


Interface Summary
MonadicFunctionRootFinder Interface implemented by monadic function root finders.
RootFinderConvergenceTest Interface for testing for convergence in root finders.
RootFinderIterationInformation Interface for returning iteration information from root finders.

Class Summary
Bisection Find roots of equations using Bisection.
BracketRoot Find interval bracketing a root.
Brent Find a root of a function using Brent's method which combines quadratic interpolation with the method of bisection.
NewtonRaphson Find roots of equations using Newton/Raphson iteration.
Secant Find roots of equations using variants of the Method of Secants.
StandardRootFinderConvergenceTest Standard test for convergence in root finders.

Package Description

Methods and interfaces for finding roots (zeroes) of functions. Includes implementations of the following root-finder methods.